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Eminent Member
Registrato: 4 anni fa
Post: 34
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il sistema AP del A320. Ho scaricato l'iltima versione A320NX non stabile ma il problema persiste. 

L'AP tira a sinistra e buonanotte....impossibile. c'è qualche sistema per farlo funzionare?

Honorable Member
Registrato: 4 anni fa
Post: 2154
Postato da: @gian-luca-noto

il sistema AP del A320. Ho scaricato l'iltima versione A320NX non stabile ma il problema persiste. 

L'AP tira a sinistra e buonanotte....impossibile. c'è qualche sistema per farlo funzionare?

Al momento non c è niente, credo abbiano fatto aggiornamento eliminando le declinazioni magnetiche, AP non segue la rotta orizzontale

Far e disfar l' è tuto 'n laorar  (verona)


Eminent Member
Registrato: 4 anni fa
Post: 34
Topic starter  

Che tristezza. Ciao

Eminent Member
Registrato: 4 anni fa
Post: 34
Topic starter  

Risolto,  per ora. Ho eliminato i dati dalla cache è ha funzionato.

Opzioni/generale/dati/elimina dati rolling cache

Giampa reacted
New Member
Registrato: 4 anni fa
Post: 1

Ciao. Purtroppo l'AP non funziona bene. Spesso dopo il decollo e appena lo  inserisco 

vira a sinistra senza alcun motivo. Sono costretto a riavviare il volo, nella speranza

che non lo faccia più.  A livello e velocità di crociera dondola in rollio e sono costretto 

a diminuire la velocità e, qualche volta, si ferma.

Per non parlare dell'ATC. Spesso sembra che le comunicazioni sono fatte da un folle ? .

Spero che risolvano questi problemi.

Ciao a tutti.

Estimable Member
Registrato: 4 anni fa
Post: 167

Ciao io ho una soluzione non risolvera tutti i problemi con auto pilota ma ti dara un aereo piu governabile vai su one store trova la cartella di asabo A320 all suo interno troverai una cartella chiamata flight_model fatti una copia e salvala  ricorda di non buttarla via perche quella e lo script origginale, dopo prendi la copia che hai creato aprila e con l editore  inserisci questo script.


major = 1
minor = 0

max_gross_weight = 174165 ; Empty weight, (LBS)
empty_weight = 90400 ; Empty weight, (LBS)
reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0 ; Position of reference datum relative to FS(0,0,0) (FEET), z, x, y
empty_weight_CG_position = -9, 0, -1 ; Position of airplane empty weight CG relative to reference datum (FEET), z, x, y
CG_forward_limit = 0.16 ; Gravity center forward limit (longitudinal offset) for longitudinal stability
CG_aft_limit = 0.4 ; Gravity center after limit (longitudinal offset z) w.r.t reference datum for longitudinal stability (FEET)
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 3027957 ; Empty pitch moment of inertia, Jxx (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 840695 ; Empty roll moment of inertia, Jzz (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 3507948 ; Empty yaw moment of inertia, Jyy (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 1000 ; Empty transverse moment of inertia, Jyz (SLUG SQ FEET)
activate_mach_limit_based_on_cg = 0 ; Activate mach limitation depending on CG position (true if > 0 /false othewise). Mostly for Concorde).
activate_cg_limit_based_on_mach = 0 ; Activate cg limitation depending on mach value (true if > 0 /false othewise). Mostly for Concorde).
max_number_of_stations = 6 ; Number of payload stations
station_load.0 = 170, 35.59, -1.86, 5.017127, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.PILOT, 1
station_load.1 = 170, 35.59, 1.86, 5.017127, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.COPILOT, 2
station_load.2 = 6115, 20.845893, 0, 5.039792, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.BUSINESS_CLASS, 0
station_load.3 = 3505, 21.825772, 0, 0.94849, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.FORWARD_BAGGAGE, 0
station_load.4 = 4000, -21.223969, 0, 5.794459, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.ECONOMY_CLASS, 0
station_load.5 = 6310, -35.825745, 0.000001, 1.007935, TT:MENU.PAYLOAD.REAR_BAGGAGE, 0

static_pitch = -0.2 ; degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn)
static_cg_height = 8.89 ; feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground
gear_system_type = 1 ; gear system type (betweeen 0 and 4) 0 = electrical, 1 = hydraulic, 2 = pneumatic, 3 = manual, 4 = none, 5 = undefined
tailwheel_lock = 0 ; Is tailwheel lock available TRUE/FALSE
max_number_of_points = 9 ; Number of contact points
gear_locked_on_ground = 0 ; Defines whether or not the landing gear handle is locked to down when the plane is on the ground.
gear_locked_above_speed = -1 ; Defines the speed at which the landing gear handle becomes locked in the up position. (-1 = Disabled)==> Disabled is kept in favor of an XML-based solution
max_speed_full_steering = 8 ; Defines the speed under which the full angle of steering is available (in feet/second).==> 20 kts or 33.7 ft/sec (was 8)
max_speed_decreasing_steering = 50 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing (in feet/second). ==> 40 kts or 67.5 ft/sec (was 50)
min_available_steering_angle_pct = 0.2 ; Defines the percentage of steering which will always be available even above max_speed_decreasing_steering (in percent over 100) ===> 6 degrees or 0.08% of 75 degrees max deflection (was 0.2 or 15 degrees)
max_speed_full_steering_castering = 20 ; Defines the speed under which the full angle of steering is available for free castering wheels (in feet/second).
max_speed_decreasing_steering_castering = 40 ; Defines the speed above which the angle of steering stops decreasing for free castering wheels (in feet/second).
min_castering_angle = 0.05236 ; Defines the minimum angle a free castering wheel can take (in radians).
max_castering_angle = 3.14159265358979 ; Defines the maximum angle a free castering wheel can take (in radians).
point.0 = 1, 27.1, 0, -9.3, 720, 0, 1.68, 75, 0.555, 2, 0.33, 9, 9.4, 0, 0, 0, 2
point.1 = 1, -13, -14, -9.58, 1500, 1, 1.68, 0, 0.637, 2, 0.33, 9.7, 9, 2, 0, 0, 2
point.2 = 1, -13, 14, -9.58, 1500, 2, 1.68, 0, 0.637, 2, 0.33, 9.2, 9.9, 3, 0, 0, 2
point.3 = 2, -26, -57, 6, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1
point.4 = 2, -26, 57, 6, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1
point.5 = 2, -79.2, 0, 8, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 1
point.6 = 2, 45, 0, 2, 720, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1
point.7 = 2, -68, 0, 4.1, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 1
point.8 = 2, -75.2, 0, 32.3, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 1

LeftMain = -9, -13, 2, 1800, 0 ; For each tank: Tank position (z longitudinal, x lateral, y vertical) (FEET), total fuel capacity (GALLONS), unusable fuel capacity (GALLONS)
RightMain = -9, 13, 2, 1800, 0
Center1 = -11, 0, 1, 3000, 0
Center2 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Center3 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
LeftAux = -13, -27, 3, 200, 0
LeftTip = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
RightAux = -13, 27, 3, 200, 0
RightTip = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
External1 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
External2 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
fuel_type = 2 ; 1 = OCTANE 100, 2 = JET_A, 3 = OCTANE 80, 4 = AUTO GAS, 5 = JET B
number_of_tank_selectors = 1 ; Max 4
electric_pump = 0
engine_driven_pump = 1
manual_transfer_pump = 0
manual_pump = 0
anemometer_pump = 0
fuel_dump_rate = 0.02
default_fuel_tank_selector.1 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 1, default is ALL.
default_fuel_tank_selector.2 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 2, default is ALL.
default_fuel_tank_selector.3 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 3, default is ALL.
default_fuel_tank_selector.4 = 1 ; Default fuel selector used in case of autostart for engine 4, default is ALL.

APU.1 = Name:APU#FuelBurnRate:33
Engine.1 = Name:LeftEngine#Index:1
Engine.2 = Name:RightEngine#Index:2
Tank.1 = Name:Center#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.CENTER#Capacity:3000#UnusableCapacity:0#Position:-6,0,1#Priority:1#OutputOnlyLines:TankCenterToCenterTankPump1,TankCenterToCenterTankPump2
Tank.2 = Name:LeftInner#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.LEFT_INNER#Capacity:1800#UnusableCapacity:0#Position:-8,-13,2#Priority:2#InputOnlyLines:Eng1ToTank2,Xfer1ToTank2,Xfer1ToTank2_2#OutputOnlyLines:TankLeftToLeftTankPump1,TankLeftToLeftTankPump2
Tank.3 = Name:RightInner#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.RIGHT_INNER#Capacity:1800#UnusableCapacity:0#Position:-8,13,2#Priority:2#InputOnlyLines:Eng2ToTank3,Xfer2ToTank3,Xfer2ToTank3_2#OutputOnlyLines:TankRightToRightTankPump1,TankRightToRightTankPump2
Tank.4 = Name:LeftOuter#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.LEFT_OUTER#Capacity:200#UnusableCapacity:0#Position:-13,-27,3#Priority:3#OutputOnlyLines:Tank4ToXfer1,Tank4ToXfer1_2
Tank.5 = Name:RightOuter#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.RIGHT_OUTER#Capacity:200#UnusableCapacity:0#Position:-13,27,3#Priority:3#OutputOnlyLines:Tank5ToXfer2,Tank5ToXfer2_2
Line.1 = Name:TankCenterToCenterTankPump1#Source:Center#Destination:CenterTankPump1
Line.2 = Name:TankLeftToLeftTankPump1#Source:LeftInner#Destination:LeftInnerTankPump1
Line.3 = Name:TankRightToRightTankPump1#Source:RightInner#Destination:RightInnerTankPump1
Line.4 = Name:TankCenterToCenterTankPump2#Source:Center#Destination:CenterTankPump2
Line.5 = Name:TankLeftToLeftTankPump2#Source:LeftInner#Destination:LeftInnerTankPump2
Line.6 = Name:TankRightToRightTankPump2#Source:RightInner#Destination:RightInnerTankPump2
Line.7 = Name:PumpCenterToJuncLeftCenter#Source:CenterTankPump1#Destination:CenterLeftJunction
Line.8 = Name:PumpLeft1ToJuncLeft#Source:LeftInnerTankPump1#Destination:LeftJunction
Line.9 = Name:PumpRight1ToJuncRight#Source:RightInnerTankPump1#Destination:RightJunction
Line.10 = Name:PumpCenter2ToJuncRightCenter#Source:CenterTankPump2#Destination:CenterRightJunction
Line.11 = Name:PumpLeft2ToJuncLeft#Source:LeftInnerTankPump2#Destination:LeftJunction
Line.12 = Name:PumpRight2ToJuncRight#Source:RightInnerTankPump2#Destination:RightJunction
Line.13 = Name:Junc1ToEngValveLeft#Source:LeftJunction#Destination:LeftEngineValve
Line.14 = Name:Junc2ToEngValveRight#Source:RightJunction#Destination:RightEngineValve
Line.15 = Name:JuncAPUToAPUPump#Source:APUJunction#Destination:APUPump
Line.16 = Name:Junc1ToJuncAPU#Source:LeftJunction#Destination:APUJunction
Line.17 = Name:JuncAPUToJunc3#Source:APUJunction#Destination:CenterLeftJunction
Line.18 = Name:Junc3ToXFeed#Source:CenterLeftJunction#Destination:CrossFeedValve
Line.19 = Name:Junc4ToXFeed#Source:CenterRightJunction#Destination:CrossFeedValve
Line.20 = Name:Junc2ToJunc4#Source:RightJunction#Destination:CenterRightJunction
Line.21 = Name:Pump6ToAPUValve#Source:APUPump#Destination:APUValve
Line.22 = Name:APUValveToAPU#Source:APUValve#Destination:APU
Line.23 = Name:Eng1ToTank2#Source:LeftEngine#Destination:LeftInner
Line.24 = Name:Eng2ToTank3#Source:RightEngine#Destination:RightInner
Line.25 = Name:EngValveLeftToEngLeft#Source:LeftEngineValve#Destination:LeftEngine
Line.26 = Name:EngValveRightToEngRight#Source:RightEngineValve#Destination:RightEngine
Line.27 = Name:Tank4ToXfer1#Source:LeftOuter#Destination:LeftTransferValve1#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Line.28 = Name:Tank5ToXfer2#Source:RightOuter#Destination:RightTransferValve1#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Line.29 = Name:Xfer1ToTank2#Source:LeftTransferValve1#Destination:LeftInner#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Line.30 = Name:Xfer2ToTank3#Source:RightTransferValve1#Destination:RightInner#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Line.31 = Name:Tank4ToXfer1_2#Source:LeftOuter#Destination:LeftTransferValve2#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Line.32 = Name:Tank5ToXfer2_2#Source:RightOuter#Destination:RightTransferValve2#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Line.33 = Name:Xfer1ToTank2_2#Source:LeftTransferValve2#Destination:LeftInner#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Line.34 = Name:Xfer2ToTank3_2#Source:RightTransferValve2#Destination:RightInner#GravityBasedFuelFlow:500
Junction.1 = Name:LeftJunction#InputOnlyLines:PumpLeft1ToJuncLeft,PumpLeft2ToJuncLeft#OutputOnlyLines:Junc1ToEngValveLeft,Junc1ToJuncAPU
Junction.2 = Name:RightJunction#InputOnlyLines:PumpRight1ToJuncRight#OutputOnlyLines:Junc2ToEngValveRight
Junction.3 = Name:CenterLeftJunction#InputOnlyLines:PumpCenterToJuncLeftCenter
Junction.4 = Name:CenterRightJunction#InputOnlyLines:PumpCenter2ToJuncRightCenter
Junction.5 = Name:APUJunction#OutputOnlyLines:JuncAPUToAPUPump
Valve.1 = Name:CrossFeedValve#OpeningTime:3#Circuit:68
Valve.2 = Name:LeftTransferValve1#Circuit:69
Valve.3 = Name:RightTransferValve1#Circuit:70
Valve.4 = Name:LeftTransferValve2#Circuit:71
Valve.5 = Name:RightTransferValve2#Circuit:72
Valve.6 = Name:LeftEngineValve#OpeningTime:3#Circuit:73
Valve.7 = Name:RightEngineValve#OpeningTime:3#Circuit:74
Valve.8 = Name:APUValve#OpeningTime:3#Circuit:75
Pump.1 = Name:CenterTankPump1#Pressure:29#DestinationLine:PumpCenterToJuncLeftCenter#Type:Electric#Index:2
Pump.2 = Name:LeftInnerTankPump1#Pressure:25#DestinationLine:PumpLeft1ToJuncLeft#Type:Electric#Index:64
Pump.3 = Name:RightInnerTankPump1#Pressure:25#DestinationLine:PumpRight1ToJuncRight#Type:Electric#Index:65
Pump.4 = Name:CenterTankPump2#Pressure:29#DestinationLine:PumpCenter2ToJuncRightCenter#Type:Electric#Index:3
Pump.5 = Name:LeftInnerTankPump2#Pressure:25#DestinationLine:PumpLeft2ToJuncLeft#Type:Electric#Index:66
Pump.6 = Name:RightInnerTankPump2#Pressure:25#DestinationLine:PumpRight2ToJuncRight#Type:Electric#Index:67
Pump.7 = Name:APUPump#Pressure:5#DestinationLine:Pump6ToAPUValve#Type:APUDriven
Trigger.1 = Target:LeftInner#Threshold:250#Condition:TankQuantityBelow#EffectTrue:OpenValve.LeftTransferValve1,OpenValve.LeftTransferValve2#EffectFalse:CloseValve.LeftTransferValve1,CloseValve.LeftTransferValve2
Trigger.2 = Target:RightInner#Threshold:250#Condition:TankQuantityBelow#EffectTrue:OpenValve.RightTransferValve1,OpenValve.RightTransferValve2#EffectFalse:CloseValve.RightTransferValve1,CloseValve.RightTransferValve2
Trigger.3 = Condition:Autostart_Enabled#EffectTrue:OpenValve.LeftEngineValve,OpenValve.RightEngineValve,OpenValve.CrossFeedValve,OpenValve.APUValve,StartPump.CenterTankPump1,StartPump.LeftInnerTankPump1,StartPump.RightInnerTankPump1,StartPump.CenterTankPump2,StartPump.LeftInnerTankPump2,StartPump.RightInnerTankPump2,StartPump.APUPump
Trigger.4 = Condition:Autoshutdown_Enabled#EffectTrue:CloseValve.LeftEngineValve,CloseValve.RightEngineValve,CloseValve.CrossFeedValve,CloseValve.APUValve,StopPump.CenterTankPump1,StopPump.LeftInnerTankPump1,StopPump.RightInnerTankPump1,StopPump.CenterTankPump2,StopPump.LeftInnerTankPump2,StopPump.RightInnerTankPump2

wing_area = 1313.2 ; Wing area S (SQUARE FEET)
wing_span = 117.454 ; Wing span b (FEET)
wing_root_chord = 21 ; Wing root chord croot (FEET)
wing_camber = 1 ; (DEGREES)
wing_thickness_ratio = 0.02 ; Local thickness is local_chord(x)*wing_thickness_ratio, x = lateral coord
wing_dihedral = 7 ; Dihedral angle Lambda (DEGREES)
wing_incidence = 2 ; Wing incidence (DEGREES)
wing_twist = -2 ; Wing twist epsilon (DEGREES)
oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.75 ; Wing Oswald efficiency factor e (non dimensional)
wing_winglets_flag = 0 ; Has winglets true/false
wing_sweep = 28 ; Wing sweep (DEGREES)
wing_pos_apex_lon = 0 ; Longitudinal (z) position of wing apex w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
wing_pos_apex_vert = 0 ; Vertical (y) position of wing apex w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
htail_area = 200 ; Horizontal tail area (SQUARE FEET)
htail_span = 41.3 ; Horizontal tail span (FEET)
htail_pos_lon = -70 ; Longitudinal (z) position of horizontal tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
htail_pos_vert = 9 ; Vertical (y) position of horizontal tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
htail_incidence = 0 ; Horizontal tail incidence (DEGREES)
htail_sweep = 30 ; Horizontal tail sweep angle (DEGREES)
htail_thickness_ratio = 0.02 ; Local thickness is local_chord(x)*htail_thickness_ratio, x = lateral coord
vtail_area = 200 ; Vertical tail area (SQUARE FEET)
vtail_span = 20.4 ; Vertical tail span (FEET)
vtail_sweep = 30 ; Vertical tail sweep angle (DEGREES)
vtail_pos_lon = -65 ; Longitudinal (z) position of vertical tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
vtail_pos_vert = 19.5 ; Vertical (y) position of vertical tail w.r.t reference datum (FEET)
vtail_thickness_ratio = 0.03 ; Local thickness is local_chord(x)*vtail_thickness_ratio, x = lateral coord
fuselage_length = 123 ; Nose to tail (FEET)
fuselage_diameter = 13
fuselage_center_pos = -5, 0, 5
elevator_area = 150 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
aileron_area = 31 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
rudder_area = 150 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
elevator_up_limit = 16 ; Elevator max deflection up angle (DEGREES)
elevator_down_limit = 11.5 ; Elevator max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
aileron_up_limit = 17 ; Aileron max deflection angle (DEGREES)
aileron_down_limit = 17 ; Aileron max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
rudder_limit = 25 ; Rudder max deflection angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
rudder_trim_limit = 20 ; Rudder trim max deflection angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
elevator_trim_limit = 13.5 ; Elevator trim max angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
spoiler_limit = 35 ; Spoiler max deflection angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
spoilerons_available = 1 ; Aircraft has spoilerons true/false
aileron_to_spoileron_gain = 0.5 ; Aileron influence on spoileron angle (non-dimensional)
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons = 2 ; Minimum aileron deflection (absolute value) in which spoilerons are active (DEGREES)
min_flaps_for_spoilerons = 0 ; Minimum flaps deflection (absolute value) in which spoilerons are active (DEGREES)
spoiler_extension_time = 2 ; Spoilers extension time (SECONDS)
spoiler_handle_available = 1 ; Spoiler handles available true/false
auto_spoiler_available = 1 ; Auto spoilers available true/false
auto_spoiler_min_speed = 72 ; Auto spoilers minimum trigger speed
positive_g_limit_flaps_up = 2.4 ; Flap positive load limit when up. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
positive_g_limit_flaps_down = 1.68 ; Flap positive load limit when down. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
negative_g_limit_flaps_up = -1.92 ; Flap negative load limit when up. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
negative_g_limit_flaps_down = -1.44 ; Flap negative load limit when down. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
load_safety_factor = 1 ; Flap negative load limit when down. Same dimension as gravity vector FEET/SECONDS^2
elevator_trim_neutral = 0 ; Elevator trim max angle (absolute value) (DEGREES), for indicators only (no influence on flight model)
aileron_to_rudder_scale = 0 ; non-dimensional
flap_to_aileron_scale = 0 ; non-dimensional
fly_by_wire = 1 ; Fly-by-wire available true/false
elevator_elasticity_table = 0:1, 90:1, 200:0.5, 400:0.33
aileron_elasticity_table = 0:1, 90:1, 200:0.5, 400:0.33
rudder_elasticity_table = 0:1, 90:1, 200:0.33, 400:0.136
elevator_trim_elasticity_table = 0:1, 120:1, 200:0.66, 400:0.33

lift_coef_pitch_rate = -39.21729 ; The change in lift per change in pitch rate
lift_coef_daoa = 0 ; lift per change in angle of attack rate
lift_coef_delta_elevator = -1.32794 ; The change in lift per change in elevator deflection
lift_coef_horizontal_incidence = 0 ; The change in lift per change in horizontal incidence angle
lift_coef_flaps = 1.1523 ; Change in lift due to flaps
lift_coef_spoilers = -0.3 ; Change in lift due to spoilers
drag_coef_zero_lift = 0.0209 ; The zero lift drag polar
drag_coef_flaps = 0.1517
drag_coef_gear = 0.005
drag_coef_spoilers = 0.015
side_force_slip_angle = -3.53325 ; (yaw angle) The change in side force per change in side slip angle
side_force_roll_rate = 1.59695 ; (roll velocity) The change in side force per change in roll rate
side_force_yaw_rate = 14.29526 ; (yaw velocity) The change in side force per change in yaw rate
side_force_delta_rudder = -3.07387 ; The change in side force per change in rudder deflection
pitch_moment_horizontal_incidence = 0 ; The change in pitch moment per change in horizontal incidence angle
pitch_moment_delta_elevator = -12.51784 ; The change in pitch moment per change in elevator deflection
pitch_moment_delta_trim = -6.51784 ; The change in pitch moment per change in trim
pitch_moment_pitch_damping = -1020.74249 ; The change in pitch moment per change in pitch rate(PRIMARY PITCH STABILITY FACTOR). deg/s
pitch_moment_aoa_0 = -0.28489 ; Pitch moment at zero angle - of - attack
pitch_moment_daoa = 0 ; The change in pitch moment per change in angle of attack
pitch_moment_flaps = -0.6335 ; The pitch moment due to flaps
pitch_moment_gear = 0.00242 ; The pitch moment due to gear
pitch_moment_spoilers = 0.01028 ; The pitch moment due to spoilers
pitch_moment_delta_elevator_propwash = -1.62946
pitch_moment_pitch_propwash = 0
roll_moment_slip_angle = 0.59403 ; The change in roll moment per sideslip angle(DIHEDRAL EFFECT)
roll_moment_roll_damping = -1.83367
roll_moment_yaw_rate = -1.21666
roll_moment_spoilers = 0 ; The change in roll moment due to spoilers
roll_moment_delta_aileron = -0.17593 ; (control)The change in roll moment per change in aileron deflection
roll_moment_delta_rudder = 0.50011 ; (control)The change in roll moment per change rudder deflection
roll_moment_delta_aileron_trim_scalar = -0.17593 ; Change in roll moment due to aileron trim
yaw_moment_slip_angle = 1.39497 ; The change in yaw moment per change sideslip angle(WEATHER VANING EFFECT)
yaw_moment_roll = 0.43633 ; (adverse yaw) The change in yaw moment per change in roll rate deg/s
yaw_moment_yaw_damping = -28.77382 ; (damping)The change in yaw moment per change in yaw rate(PRIMARY YAW STABILITY FACTOR deg/s)
yaw_moment_yaw_propwash = 0 ; (damping)
yaw_moment_delta_aileron = -0.00258 ; (adverse yaw) The change in yaw moment per change aileron deflection
yaw_moment_delta_rudder = 1.31766 ; (control)The change in yaw moment per change in rudder deflection PRIMARY YAW POWER FACTOR
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_propwash = 4.32942 ; (control)
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_trim_scalar = 1.31766 ; Change in yaw moment due to rudder trim
compute_aero_center = 0
aero_center_lift = -8.75 ; Init to center
lift_coef_aoa_table = -3.15:0, -0.5:-1.389, 0:0.3, 0.2:1.086, 0.23:1.188, 0.26:1.2233, 0.29:1.20, 0.31:1.183, 0.4:1.15, 0.8:1.421, 3.15:0
lift_coef_ground_effect_mach_table = 0.027:1.25
lift_coef_mach_table = 0:1
lift_coef_delta_elevator_mach_table = 0:0
lift_coef_daoa_mach_table = 0:0
lift_coef_pitch_rate_mach_table = 0:0
lift_coef_horizontal_incidence_mach_table = 0:0
drag_coef_zero_lift_mach_tab = 0:0, 0.5:0, 0.55:0, 0.6:0, 0.65:0, 0.7:0, 0.75:0, 0.8:0, 0.85:0, 0.9:0.15, 0.95:0.333, 1:0.5, 1.1:0.265, 1.5:0.03
side_force_slip_angle_mach_table = 0:0
side_force_delta_rudder_mach_table = 0:0
side_force_yaw_rate_mach_table = 0:0
side_force_roll_rate_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_aoa_table = -3.15:0, -0.8:-2.402, -0.4:-1.861, -0.2:-0.842, -0.1:-0.442, 0:0, 0.2:1.173, 0.23:1.337, 0.26:1.489, 0.29:1.723, 0.31:1.919, 0.4:2.276, 0.8:2.992, 3.15:0
pitch_moment_delta_elevator_aoa_table = -180:-1, -40:0.05, -20:0.455, -10:0.853, -5:1.007, 0:1, 5:0.839, 10:0.693, 20:0.381, 40:-0.08, 180:-1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_horizontal_incidence_aoa_table = 0:1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_daoa_aoa_table = 0:1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_pitch_alpha_table = 0:1 ; AoA(alpha) is given in DEGREES
pitch_moment_delta_elevator_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_daoa_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_pitch_rate_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_horizontal_incidence_mach_table = 0:0
pitch_moment_aoa_0_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_aoa_table = 0:0 ; Cl (roll moment coef) versus AoA
roll_moment_slip_angle_aoa_table = 0:3
roll_moment_roll_rate_aoa_table = 0:3
roll_moment_delta_aileron_aoa_table = 0:3
roll_moment_slip_angle_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_delta_rudder_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_delta_aileron_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_yaw_rate_mach_table = 0:0
roll_moment_roll_rate_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_aoa_table = 0:0 ; Cn (yaw moment coef) versus AoA
yaw_moment_slip_angle_aoa_table = 0:3
yaw_moment_yaw_rate_aoa_table = 0:3
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_aoa_table = 0:3
yaw_moment_slip_angle_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_delta_rudder_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_delta_aileron_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_yaw_rate_mach_table = 0:0
yaw_moment_roll_rate_mach_table = 0:0
elevator_scaling_table = 0:1 ; scales control based on its deflection
aileron_scaling_table = 0:1 ; scales control based on its deflection
rudder_scaling_table = 0:1 ; scales control based on its deflection
aileron_load_factor_effectiveness_table = 0:1 ; scaling of roll_moment_delta_aileron versus gravity forces, G effects on aileron effectiveness, acts on roll_moment_delta_aileron
lift_coef_at_drag_zero = 0.10000
lift_coef_at_drag_zero_flaps = 0.10000

cruise_lift_scalar = 1.2
parasite_drag_scalar = 1
induced_drag_scalar = 1
flap_induced_drag_scalar = 1
elevator_effectiveness = 1
elevator_maxangle_scalar = 1
aileron_effectiveness = 1
rudder_effectiveness = 1
rudder_maxangle_scalar = 0.5
pitch_stability = 0.25
roll_stability = 0.25
yaw_stability = 0.25
pitch_gyro_stability = 1
roll_gyro_stability = 1
yaw_gyro_stability = 1
elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1
aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1
rudder_trim_effectiveness = 1
hi_alpha_on_roll = 0
hi_alpha_on_yaw = 0
p_factor_on_yaw = 0
torque_on_roll = 0
gyro_precession_on_roll = 0
gyro_precession_on_yaw = 0
engine_wash_on_roll = 0 ; Torque effect
wingflex_scalar = 0.75
wingflex_offset = -0.25

full_flaps_stall_speed = 130 ; Knots True (KTAS)
flaps_up_stall_speed = 179 ; Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_speed = 455 ; Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_mach = 0.78
crossover_speed = 320 ; Knots Indicated (KIAS)
max_mach = 0.82 ; MMO
max_indicated_speed = 500 ; Red line (KIAS)
max_flaps_extended = 274.030126
normal_operating_speed = 350 ; VMO
airspeed_indicator_max = 562.5
rotation_speed_min = 120 ; Min speed required (Kts)
climb_speed = 231 ; Climb speed (Kts)
cruise_alt = 36000 ; (ft)
takeoff_speed = 115 ; Takeoff Speed (Kts)
spawn_cruise_altitude = 5000 ; Spawn Cruise Altitude (ft)
spawn_descent_altitude = 500 ; Spawn Descent Altitude (ft)
best_angle_climb_speed = 0 ; Best angle climb speed (Kts)
approach_speed = 0 ; Approach speed (Kts)
best_glide = 0 ; Best Glide (Kts)
max_gear_extended = 280 ; (Kts)

number_of_interactive_points = 10
interactive_point.0 = 0.4, 27.93, -6.05, 3.02, 0, 0, 0, -86, 72, 16, 85, 3, -2, 33
interactive_point.1 = 0.4, 27.93, 6.05, 3.02, 0, 0, 0, 86, 85, 3, 72, 16, -2, 33
interactive_point.2 = 0.4, -53, -5.2, 3, 0, 0, 0, -103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
interactive_point.3 = 0.4, -53, 5.2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
interactive_point.4 = 0.4, -29.5, 2, -1.8, 1, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
interactive_point.5 = 0.4, 18, 1.93, -1.9, 1, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
interactive_point.6 = 0.4, -4, -6, 6.2, 2, 0, 0, -90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
interactive_point.7 = 0.4, -4, 6, 6.2, 2, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
interactive_point.8 = 0, 36.3, 10.78, -5.18, 4, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
interactive_point.9 = 0, 0, -54.59, -7.57, 3, 0, 0, -90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

stall_protection = 1 ; Alpha Protection
off_limit = 11 ; Alpha below which the Alpha Protection can be disabled (If also below off_yoke_limit)
off_yoke_limit = 1 ; Yoke position (in Pct) below which the Alpha Protection can be disabled (If also below off_limit)
on_limit = 14 ; Alpha above which the Alpha Protection timer starts
on_goal = 10 ; The alpha that the Alpha Protection will attempt to reach when triggered
timer_trigger = 1.0 ; Duration (in Sec) the alpha must be above on_limit before the Alpha Protection is triggered

;===================== FLAPS =====================

type = 1 ; Flap type 0 = None, 1 = trailing edge, 2 = leading edge
system_type = 1 ; Flap system type 0 = electrical, 1 = hydraulic, 2 = pneumatic, 3 = manual, 4 = none
span-outboard = 0.8 ; Outboard span area (added area) (percentage, non dimensional)
extending-time = 12 ; Flap extension time (SECONDS)
damaging-speed = 233 ; Speed above which flap is damaged (Kts)
blowout-speed = 250 ; Speed above which flap is blown out (Kts)
maneuvering_flaps = 0
lift_scalar = 1.4 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap lift coef (non dimensioned)
drag_scalar = 1 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap drag coef (non dimensioned)
pitch_scalar = 1 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap pitch coef (non dimensioned)
max_on_ground_position = 4 ; Dynamically set in-tool to last flap-position index by defaut when -1 is found.
flaps-position.0 = 0, -1, 0
flaps-position.1 = 10, 230, 0.5857
flaps-position-autoretract.1 = 0, 210, 230
flaps-position-inhibit.1 = air,increasing
flaps-position.2 = 15, 200, 0.8286
flaps-position.3 = 20, 185, 0.8967
flaps-position.4 = 35, 177, 1

type = 2 ; Flap type 0 = None, 1 = trailing edge, 2 = leading edge
system_type = 1 ; Flap system type 0 = electrical, 1 = hydraulic, 2 = pneumatic, 3 = manual, 4 = none
span-outboard = 0.75 ; Outboard span area (added area) (percentage, non dimensional)
extending-time = 12 ; Flap extension time (SECONDS)
damaging-speed = 260 ; Speed above which flap is damaged (Kts)
blowout-speed = 270 ; Speed above which flap is blown out (Kts)
maneuvering_flaps = 0
lift_scalar = 0.55 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap lift coef (non dimensioned)
drag_scalar = 1.85 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap drag coef (non dimensioned)
pitch_scalar = 1 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap pitch coef (non dimensioned)
max_on_ground_position = 4 ; Dynamically set in-tool to last flap-position index by defaut when -1 is found.
flaps-position.0 = 0, -1, 0
flaps-position.1 = 18, 230, 0.6667
flaps-position.2 = 22, 200, 0.8848
flaps-position.3 = 22, 185, 0.8848
flaps-position.4 = 27, 177, 1


salva il tutto fai ripartire il gioco e buon divertimento non dimenticare di salvarti lo script origginale

